“I use the media that corresponds the best to what I would like to do: painting, drawing, video, sculpture, photo etc.

Ideas and images develop over time. Originating from life surrounding us, and from inside myself.”


Mia Enell, 2011



by Mia Enell 2005


Dvd-R Video Trt: 15 min.(looped). Pal

Edition of 5


Water flows over my hands.

During the recording of “Pouring”, my blood almost stopped circulating in my arms. I had to tape two garden hoses very tightly around them, for the water to pour in the right way - without shooting off to the right and the left, but down over my hands.

There are many well-known references to water, and there are many different possible readings to “ Pouring”: the cleansing powers of water, but also guilt - washing your hands of it, not taking responsibility; giving until being exhausted, until it hurts…being overwhelmed; opening of the veins, or drowning in the abundance of the flow; water as a connector…

The sound is water falling - both beautiful and unsettling. It changes slightly over the duration of the video.

At the end you hear the last drops falling and the silence that separates them.

This video was inspired by a drawing I did in 2000, entitled “ how it felt, my life pouring out like water through my fingers “.


Mia Enell